
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Just a Thought

Aum Sairam

A lot has been said about Sri Sai. Where he came from, nobody knows. What, why and how he did the things, nobody knows. Sri Sai achieved Mahasamadhi on 15th of October, 1918, on Tuesday at about 2.35 in the afternoon that’s when He breathed His last. But if you deeply consider you will see that He never died because He was never born. Does He still not live within us?

Great thinkers have said, whatever is created will come to an end. Who is born must die. And so the life goes on. Thus what exists will come to an end

A diamond is a very precious stone, there is no substitute to it, but if you look at it carefully, it is ultimately a stone and can be destroyed; and what can be destroyed has an end.

Shree Bhagwad Geeta was born when Lord Krishna gave his verses to Shri Arjun. It
is sacred and contains the whole of world in itself. But since it was born or created no matter how precious it may be it will have an end. But Lord Krishna has no end. Why? Because He was never born He always existed all He did was changed His forms.

Similarly souls like Sri Sai are never born and they never die. They do not have an end. They are always there when you need them. People say Sri Sai lived in Shirdi, but if you carefully study Shri Sai Satcharitra, He used to be at lot more places at the same time. No matter where you are, who you are just think about Sri Sai and He is with you waiting for you to realize this.

What I do believe in is Sri Sai or any God you may praise is always with you in your thoughts. He has created us and we are His children. How could a father or mother leave their children unattended? They are always with us, only we have to realize this and feel the difference. The day we understand this

The day you feel Sri Sai is with you, you will feel the difference. No matter how [by what name] you call him, what matters is how [the state of mind] you call him.

Allah Malik

Aim Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

Allah Malik

Many devotees do Nama Japa without knowing the meaning of that Nama [Name]. But,
if we know the exact meaning of that Name and do Japa of that Name it will be easy and smooth to concentrate on it and attain salvation [self realization].

If you do Nama Japa constantly of your Ishta Devata [Beloved God/Guru], you become yourself that Nama Japa, i.e., you merge in that Nama [God]. Let us now know the meaning of the Taraka Mantra Aum Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai and chant the same constantly to finally merge with him.

AUM: means, God is creator, protector and destroyer. For ordinary mortals destroy means death, but for God's/Guru's ardent devotees, it is Sadgati, liberation from the body. Jeevatma merging with Paramatma [Mukti], and there is no birth for them

SAI: Sa-means Satva guna or good natured. Ayi means mother in Marathi. God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Sadguna Sampanna with six attributes, namely, Jnanam [Knowledge], Aiswarya [Wealth], Balam [Power], Shakti [Energy],
Veeryam [Potency], and Tejas [Effluence].

SRI SAI: Sri means Goddess of wealth [Lakshmi]. SAI means as defined above, so
SRI SAI means Lakshmi Narayan.

JAYA JAYA SAI: Jaya means victory. JAYA JAYA SAI means double victory, i.e., great victory of Lord Sai, who is residing [all pervading] in all hearts.

The whole world [Universe] is pervaded by God Sai. So by chanting Babs's Taraka Mantra, AUM SAI SRI SAI JAYA JAYA SAI the Sai Devotees invoke His [Sai's]
Blessings for temporal and spiritual welfare of the whole world.

Allah Malik

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Does Sri Sai Love Me?

Aum Sairam

As you cry out "does Sri Sai love me," and suffer because you feel unable to know Sri Sai's love.

Sri Sai longs for the relationship He created you to have with Him and gave you free will to make the choice.

Consider the following truths about Sri Sai's love and read the corresponding verses:

Sri Sai is love and He loves you
Nothing can separate you from the love of Sri Sai
Sri Sai loves you even while you are still a sinner
Sri Sai knew you before you were born, even as you were "knitted in your mother's womb"
Sri Sai calls you His friend
Sri Sai disciplines those whom He loves
Sri Sai’s sovereignty limits your crisis and gives meaning to your problems
Sri Sai comforts you in your troubles, not necessarily from your troubles
Sri Sai says in His word, "For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope"
Sri Sai is your helper

Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Sri Sai's love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homeless, not bullying threats, not backstabbing. None of this fazes us because Sri Sai loves us. I'm absolutely convinced that nothing - nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable - absolutely nothing can get between us and Sri Sai's love because of the way that Sri Sai our Sadguru has embraced us.

Allah Malik

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sai Baba and Guru

Aum Sairam

Selfless service of Guru is an essential gradient to attain Iparanirttia. Sri Sai Baba never gives updesh as is ordinarily understood or He never utters mantra in the ear of any devotee.

Surrender and Faith - Those who surrender to Sadguru Lord are not weak characters. They are on the contrary like a lion. In order to surrender at the feet of Sadguru, one has to get rid of his own false sense of egoism. Situation of self-surrender leads to losing one's own identity with a view to merging the same with the Sadguru. Draupadi raised her hands in the sense of total surrender and sought the help of Lord Shri Krishna, who extended the same to an unlimited length. Dushasan was tired of putting off the sari and failed to undress her ultimately and hence he gave up.

Once Sri Sai Baba told Radhabai Deshmukh "I am a beggar. Look here my Guru [Venkusa] was a great saint. He was highly merciful and he begged from me two pice. What he wanted was not metallic coin. He did not care even for gold but he only wanted Nishtha and Saburi i.e. faith and courageous patience. I gave these to him at once and he was pleased. He never blew any mantra into my ear. Make the Guru the sole object of thoughts and aims to attain paramartha, the supreme goal." The Lady [Radhabai Deshmukh] bowed and accepted the advice of Sri Sai Baba.

Remember Sri Sai Baba always with love, for he was engrossed in doing well to all and always abided in his self. All other Gods are illusory. Guru is the only God. If we believe in Sadguru, He can change our fortune for the better. If we serve Him nicely, we can get rid of Samsar. If we make Him out helmsman, we can easily cross over the sea of all pains and sorrows.

Sri Sai Baba says, "I look always to and provide for the welfare of the devotees, who worship me wholeheartedly with their mind ever fixed on me". Lord Krishna has also said the, the same in Shree Bhagwad Gita Let us all follow the above advice of Sri Sai Baba and attain moksha.

Allah Malik

Relaxed Hours

Aum Sairam

There was a man, who once went to the ocean for a bath; but instead of taking the bath he sat there for hours together on the sandy beach. Others enquired of him, “What is the matter? You have come since early morning, and still you are sitting without taking bath, gazing towards the ocean? Now the sun has come on the zenith. When will you take bath, my friend?”

The man replied, “Let the waves that are coming one after the other stop. Then I shall take bath.”

Are these waves going to stop for this gentleman? It is his ignorance.

The same phenomenon is applicable to our life too.

This world is an ocean. The waves of sorrow, difficulties and worries are going to come one after the other. There is no end to that. They will continue to come during the whole of our life — from birth to death. No favorable time is going to come. Favorable and unfavorable are mere reflections of our mind. If we think unfavorably, everything is unfavorable for us all the time and vice versa. The man could not take a bath for want of a quiet ocean. We shall also miss the opportunity of “Namasmaran” for want of mental peace and internal tranquility.

Adopt the sadhana of “Namasmaran” to obtain mental peace —just from this very moment Sri Sai will bless your life!

Allah Malik

God's Word

Aum Sairam

God will work out his plans for my life

For He knows what is best for me for the remaining years of my Life
It is Spiritual Love, OH MY MASTER! which endures forever.
Please don't abandon me for you have made me.

Some times, we need to be reminded of just how special and important God really is. When our life seems to be on the wrong path and it seems as if everything is crashing around, please stop us, guide us. Lead us to overcome those negative attitude as God have created us and before birth we were nurtured with by Thy Divine hands Oh God!

God has sent us to this world with some purpose in our life.
God understands our most intricate situation.
We are on this planet because God wanted us to be

God has been loving us without any consideration
When any trauma of life begins to sweep us away
Hold Him tightly as He wants to test us
In the midst of our pain or happiness
He is there as He was even before our birth
Smiling, Loving and Caring each one of us

Today's Grace, Blessings and Bounties showered by God are stored in core of my heart to unveil it at the time a need arises

Allah Malik

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Within You

Aum Sairam

Sri Sai Baba is infinite love and peace.

Sri Sai Baba is the eternal light and joy that shine the whole universe. People should rise to the occasion to do their duty. People should reach the height and glory of Sri Sai Baba's supreme presence. The feeling that I and mine should be given up and see every thing equal. Have an elevated thinking.

Remember Sri Sai Baba in the beginning, in the middle, and in the end for all ventures. Be humble, pure, simple, and innocent and Sri Sai Baba is yours.

Sri Sai Baba in the form of love resides in everybody's heart and be conscious of this at all times. Then your thoughts, words and actions will be of love.

The light of Sri Sai Baba will always illuminate the heart and light only can be seen inside and outside. Come out of the darkness of ignorance enter into the light of knowledge then only we can feel the presence of Sri Sai Baba the light of all lights.

Let all our actions are as per the directions of Sri Sai Baba within us. Ego should be avoided to allow everything to be done at the will of Sri Sai Sai Baba.

Sri Sai Baba is the only reality, truth, and live for Sri Sai Baba alone.

Detachment to perishable things and attachment to only Sri Sai Baba will give peace of mind. Desire for material things is the cause for all sorrows. Taking more than one's requirement will ultimately give grief. Acquire knowledge which can't be stolen or lost.

Enjoy always the sunshine of Sri Sai Baba's splendor and glory.

Remember always Sri Sai Baba and live in tune with him. Be happy and calm in all
situations. See, hear, and speak only good things. Serve the needy and sick wholeheartedly.

Total surrender to Sri Sai Baba will give peace of mind.

Remember always Sri Sai Baba's grace for all achievements. Avoid self praise and say only good things about others. See everybody with respect irrespective of caste color and creed.

Anger, lust and ego are the only enemies. Purify the heart for Sri Sai Baba to sit in. There is no greater virtue than humility, no vice greater than pride. Be sincere in all works, work is worship.

Make Sri Sai Baba your friend, philosopher and guide.

Don't get dejected in failure and fall; Sri Sai Baba's grace will be upon us.

Always you are one with Sri Sai Baba and different from Him. Like a flower give always the perfume of love and joy. Pray for the awareness that always you may be in Him and He in you.

Remember always that everything in the Universe belongs to Sri Sai Baba, nothing is ours. We have got this birth at the will of Sri Sai Baba and we are on our way to Him.

Know that our goal is to rest in peace with Sri Sai Baba. Always remember that we are the immortal spirit.

Chanting the name of Sri Sai Baba will save us from fear, doubt and anxiety.

Supreme knowledge is ultimate devotion to Sri Sai Baba.

What ever we do will be seen by Sri Sai Baba.

Overeating, earning money by unlawful means, desire for others property are our weakness.

We are all safe in the hands of Sri Sai Baba.

Sri Sai Baba manifesting Himself as a person; the object of worship of the Bhakt's. By worshiping Sri Sai Baba as a person, devotees are able to assume human like relationships with Sri Sai Baba, for example: Sri Sai Baba as parent, devotee as child; Sri Sai Baba as Lord, devotee as servant. It is also much easier for many people to develop love toward Sri Sai Baba when He is regarded as a person. Such love is capable of triggering a spiritual awakening once it is a pure, selfless love.

In this kalyug Chant always the name of Sri Sai Baba. Sri Sai Baba can assume any form to protect the devotees. To serve the devotees is equal to serve Sri Sai Baba. Awake, arise and do your duty justifiably. Sri Sai Baba will be always with you.

Allah Malik

Friday, April 25, 2008

Signals of Grace

Aum Sairam

In the days of sailing boats, ocean voyages were at great risk from the high seas. There were many shipwrecks due to the strong ocean currents and storms. One such shipwreck in the Pacific Ocean left a lone survivor, who by God’s Grace, found himself washed up on a small, uninhabited island.

At first the man thanked his good fortune for being alive. The island was warm and there were no wild animals to bother him. He began to search the island for food and managed to get by on fruits and coconuts. Over time he built himself a small hut out of bamboo and coconut branches, gradually adding to its size and fashioning chairs, a table and various features to make it comfortable.

The man had strong faith and every day he prayed to God for his rescue. He spent hours scanning the horizon in hope for a passing vessel to rescue him - but none came by and he grew rather depressed and lonely. He wondered, “When is God going to answer my desperate prayers?”

Then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had happened; everything was lost and he was overcome with grief and anger.

"God, how could you do this to me!" he cried. What little he possessed had been cruelly taken away from him – literally everything he owned and cherished. Where was the justice in this – where was God’s compassion for his plight!

Early the next day, as he miserably got up from his place at the bottom of a coconut tree near the beach, he was stunned to see a sailing ship approaching the island. He jumped up and frantically started to wave his arms, shouting “Help, help, I am here!” at the top of his voice.

He saw the boat weigh anchor and soon a rowing dinghy came ashore. It had come to rescue him. The joy he felt was indescribable. He embraced his rescuers in sobs of relief and happiness – his ordeal was over. The crew took him on board to meet the captain and he offered his gratitude for rescuing him.

"How did you know I was here?" he asked. The captain replied, "We saw your smoke signal."

The man suddenly realized how God had caused his hut to burn down just at the moment when a passing ship would see it and be alerted to his presence. He was stunned into silence at the wonderful ways of the all knowing Lord. All his doubts at God’s mercy vanished.

Similarly there are instances in our lives when we get too depressed with an unexpected calamity or misfortune. Only later, we realize that they were, in fact, blessings in disguise. Sri Sai Baba tells us:

“Your troubles are often self-created. If you develop firm faith in God and surrender to His Will, He will not fail you. This is the concept of Sharanagati or surrender. The bliss that can be derived from this surrender to God cannot be derived from any other means. Regard whatever happens to you as something intended for your own good.”

So remember, next time your “little hut” is burning to the ground, it just may be a “smoke signal” that is summoning the Grace of God.

Allah Malik

The Lord’s Trick

Aum Sairam

Situated on the banks of the Ganges near holy Rishikesh in the Himalayas, there was once an ashram that had attracted a fair number of seekers due to the holiness of its presiding monk. The guru would take in all seekers who wanted to learn a life of dedication to God; but such was his love that he often did not discriminate who he allowed to stay.

After some time, he noticed that the ashramites were often quarrelling and he could hear rude words that left him pained. ‘Why are they angry with one another?’ the guru asked himself. But he could not bring himself to throw anyone out - such was his compassion. One day he saw two inmates fighting over food in the ashram canteen. The incident left him shocked and he returned to his hut in a despondent mood.

What can be wrong with them?’ he asked himself. He was racked with the problem of remedying the situation and elevating their souls. So, he increased his discourses to them and gave more personal advice on their sadhana. The inmates’ reverence for their guru increased, but unfortunately this did not translate in better behavior towards each other.

The Guru, then resolved to practice penance and ask the Lord for divine help before matters could get any worse. So, he shut himself away in his hut for a week, maintained silence and took a reduced diet. After some days of intense prayers and meditation, he was rewarded with a vision of celestial light. The guru was transfixed in bliss as the Lord’s nectarine voice came through the light:

“My child, my dear child.” The Guru could not believe his ears. He was thrilled to hear the sweet voice. “Is it really you, my Lord?” he asked filled with ecstasy and disbelief. “Yes, my child,” God said lovingly. “Tell me, what can I do for you?”

The Guru prostrated to the Divine voice and said, “Dear Lord, be pleased to come to my ashram.”

“What for?” the Voice asked.

“You know everything, Lord,” the guru humbly submitted. “Yet, I shall say it. The members of the ashram hate one another; they are jealous of each other. Lord, if you come and stay with us for a week, they will be filled with pure and noble thoughts.”

The kind lord replied, “Certainly, I will come, but not for one week, but for ever.”

The Guru’s joy knew no bounds. But the Voice continued, “But only on one condition.”

“What is it, my Lord,” the guru asked eagerly.

“I will come, but not in this form,” the Lord clarified. “I will always be at the ashram in the guise of one of the inmates. I shall always be moving in the hearts of one of them; it could be anyone of them.”

With these words, the Light disappeared.

The Guru, after recovering from that ethereal experience, opened the door of his hut and called all the ashramites to assemble. When he informed them of God’s wish to abide in their hearts they rejoiced, but they were confused too.

“Is this inmate sitting near me God in disguise?” one disciple thought. “Who could be ‘God in disguise’ person?” Nobody knew and everybody was left guessing and as a result careful too. For, each one thought, “How can I fight against anyone here? What if he is one in whom God is there now?” And thus, a subtle change slowly came over in each one of them. They began to see God in everyone and took every opportunity to help the other and be kind and courteous. The whole atmosphere in the ashram was now totally transformed – only love and harmony prevailed.

The guru was the happiest man now. The Lord’s trick had done wonders.

If we reflect, we can make our family, our society and our earth just like this ashram – full of peace and harmony – if only we believe and practice the feeling that each one is just God in a different form. Our life would become a sweet experience, every moment.

Allah Malik

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Protect and Faith

Aum Sairam

May This Thursday [Baba's Day] Bring You Strength, Good luck, Success, Happiness and Joy

Sri Sai Baba did not encourage the practice of black magic, witchcraft, etc. He never allowed those with such powers to come near him, until they shed off such powers.

Kusa Bhav learnt black magic. The moment he desired, sweets came into his hand. After hearing of Sri Sai Baba's greatness, he came to Shirdi. As he was trying to enter Dwarkamai, Sri Sai Baba stopped him and asked him to give up all his magic powers and only then come to him. For some days he was in a fix not knowing what to do. Finally, he removed the bracelet he was wearing and after giving up the powers, served Sri Sai Baba with devotion for a long time.

On an Ekadashi day, someone brought some food made with onions. Sri Sai Baba had no blind beliefs in such matters. He asked Kusa Bhav to eat it. Though Kusa Bhav told Sri Sai Baba that it was Ekadashi that day and he did not take onions, Sri Sai Baba insisted on his eating it. Finally Kusa Bhav told Sri Sai Baba that he would eat it if Sri Sai Baba ate too. Then Sri Sai Baba ate first, followed by Kusa Bhav. After a while, some devotees came into the mosque and Sri Sai Baba told them that though it was Ekadashi day, and Kusa Bhav, an orthodox Brahmin, had eaten onions. Then Kusa Bhav told them that he had eaten only after Sri Sai Baba had eaten the onions. Sri Sai Baba told that he had not eaten onions but some turnips. So saying he vomited, and the vomit contained pieces of sweet potato instead of onions. Kusa Bhav was surprised at this; he picked up the sweet potato pieces from the vomit and ate them. Sri Sai Baba got angry and scolded him as to why he was doing such a disgusting thing. After a moment Sri Sai Baba's anger turned into pity and he said to him, "I am blessing you. Wherever you are and whenever you want, if you think of me you will get Udi from Dwarkamai in your hands. If you give Udi to those in need, their difficulties would be over and their desires fulfilled."

From that day onwards till his death, Kusa Bhav used to get handful of Udi by merely repeating Sri Sai Baba's name.

What we learn from this story is that Sri Sai Baba had no liking for black magic. He reformed such devotees who approached Him and instead of such lowly powers, gave them some divine powers. Therefore, those who are true devotees of Sri Sai Baba need not worry about such evil forces. They will not dare to come near them.

It proves that Sri Sai Baba was omnipresent. Let us pray on this Thursday to Sri Sai Baba to protect us also in all ways. May all of us have complete faith in Sri Sai Baba.

Allah Malik

When do we get it?

Aum Sairam

May This Thursday [Baba's Day] Bring You Strength, Good luck, Success, Happiness and Joy

Chayeh Ram Kaho .... Rehman Kaho
Chayeh Ved pado....Ya puraan
Mera Sai sabhi mein samaaya
Sabh par us ki chhaaya

Whatever scripture you choose to read, Geeta, Quran or Gur Bani, you will find Sri Sai. But, how honestly one thinks and remembers on this fact?

Good thoughts lead to good intentions; good intentions lead to good actions. Recent events and the religious riots in India must be considered as a blot to the system that has strong foundations in peace, tolerance and religious harmony. Loving our Sadguru is not complete until loving the next person regardless of his religion on orientation does not happen. Our devotion to our beloved Sadguru is not accepted until we learn to love the next Parsi, Hindu, Muslim and the Christian.

Let all the Sai devotees spend a moment this peaceful Thursday remembering the descriptions of Saidarbar of the old Shirdi days, where children of every religion flocked around their only father. Let our thoughts be filled with those intentions, the intentions to serve and love. It is the simplest way to seek Sadguru's attention!

Allah Malik

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Life is Beautiful

Aum Sairam

If you are seeing only the long miles to be crossed, you probably have forgotten the smiles that can help you.
If you are seeing only the losing battles, you probably have forgotten the spirit to fight.
If you are seeing only the gloomy side of the life, you probably have been overlooking the vast brighter side.
Feel all the colors of life
Face all the faces of life
Make life beautiful by living it completely, live life completely by loving it passionately.

Allah Malik

Difference between Reputation and Character

Aum Sairam

Character is the one thing we make in this world and take with us into the next. The circumstances amid which you live determine your reputation; the truth you believe determines your character.

Reputation is what you are supposed to be
Character is what you are.

Reputation is the photograph
Character is the face.

Reputation comes over one from without
Character grows up from within.

Reputation is what you have when you come to a new community
Character is what you have when you go away.

Reputation is made in a moment
Character is built in a lifetime.

Your reputation is learned in an hour
Your character doesn't come to light for a year.

Reputation grows like a mushroom
Character grows like the oak.

A single newspaper report gives you your reputation
A life of toil gives you your character.

Reputation makes you rich or makes you poor
Character makes you happy or makes you miserable.

Reputation is what men say about you on your tombstone
Character is what angels say about you before the throne of God.

Allah Malik

You Are In Love

Aum Sairam

When you are together with that special someone, you pretend to ignore that person. But when that special someone is not around, you might look around to find them. At that moment, you are in love.

Although there is someone else who always makes you laugh, your eyes and attention might go only to that special someone. Then, you are in love.

Although that special someone was supposed to have called you long back, to let you know of their safe arrival, your phone is quiet. You are desperately waiting for the call! At that moment, you are in love.

If you are much more excited for one short e-mail from that special someone than other many long e-mails, you are in love.

When you find yourself as one who cannot erase all the messages in your answering machine because of one message from that special someone, you are in love.

When you get a couple of free movie tickets, you would not hesitate to think of that special someone. Then, you are in love.

You keep telling yourself, that special someone is just a friend, but you realize that you can not avoid that person's special attraction. At that moment, you are in love.

While you are reading this page, if someone appears in your mind, then you are in love with that person

Allah Malik

Oh Sai !!

Aum Sairam

Oh, Sai, I have no words to say.
For the most beautiful miracle that has come my way. Only You know your infinite ways, turning life cycle from sad to happier days. Your miracles are beyond our magnitude. Your miracles endeavor your existence. Your miracles are with selfless motive. Your miracles are your heart and soul

Oh, Sai, I love you more than I can say.
Words vanish into thin air, feelings deriving pure bliss such a selfless soul, where you ask for no more. But to follow your path

Oh, Sai, I know you are there.
Doesn't matter whether we see you in kith and skin. Doesn't matter whether we hear you speak You are there, wherever we call You. You show your presence in Your unique ways

Allah Malik

Patience [Saburi]

Aum Sairam

To develop a photo, it must first be taken into a darkroom. It is only after the chemicals have done their work in the dark, it is safe to expose the negatives to the light and produce that print. The light, which would have destroyed the film, now brings out its beauty. Sri Sai takes us through the darkroom experiences to develop our spiritual character. As we pass through trial, sorrow, frustration and disappointment His image can be produced in and through us. Then we are ready to be displayed in the light. Too often we blame our karma, people, or circumstances for our darkroom tunnels of despair or frustration. Although they may be a secondary cause, we need to realize that His hand momentarily shades the light from our pathway. He graciously takes us through such experiences because He wants to provide us with the benefits of even the darkness as He assures us if you cast your burden on Me, I shall surely bear it. In effect He is saying do what is right and have faith in Him.

Allah Malik


Aum Sairam

Sri Sai Baba said, the function of the mind is to think, it cannot remain without thinking for a minute. If you give it a sense object, it will think about it if you give it Guru, it will think about Guru in Sri Sai Satcharitra Ch.X.

An expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and to drive home a point, used an illustration those students will never forget. As he stood in front of the group of high powered overachievers, he said, Okay, time for quiz, and he pulled out a one gallon mason jar and set it on the table in front of him. He also produced about a dozen fist sized rocks and carefully placed them, one at a time, into the jar. When the
Jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, is this jar full? Every one in the class yelled, yes. The expert replied, really? He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel. He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the big rocks. He then asked the group once more, is the jar full? By this time the class was cautious. Probably not, one of them answered. Good, he replied. He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel. Once more he asked the question, is the jar full? No, the class responded. Once again he said, well. The he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it until the jar was filled to the brim. Then, he looked at the class and asked, what is the lesson of this illustration? One eager beaver raised his hand and said, the point is, no matter how full your schedule is, if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it. No, the speaker replied, that’s not the point. The truth of this illustration teaches us is: If you don’t put the big rocks first, you will never get them in at all.

It is important for us to identify the Big Rocks in our lives [that is surrendering our mind to the Lotus Feet of Lord Sainath is the primary task than anything else.]

Allah Malik

Monday, April 21, 2008

Spouse from God

Aum Sairam

Years ago, I asked God to give me a spouse, you don't own because you didn't ask God said. Not only I asked for a spouse but also explained what kind of spouse I wanted. I want a nice, tender, forgiving, passionate, honest, peaceful, generous, understanding, pleasant, warm, intelligent, humorous, attentive, compassionate and truthful. I even mentioned the physical characteristics I dreamt about.

As time went by I added the required list of my wanted spouse. One night, in my prayer, God talked to my heart: My servant, I cannot give you what you want.

I asked, Why God? and God said because I am God and I am fair. God is the truth and all I do are true and right.

I asked God, I don't understand why I cannot have what I ask from you?

God answered, I will explain. It is not fair and right for Me to fulfill your demand because I cannot give something that is not your own self. It is not fair to give someone who is full of love to you if sometimes you are still hostile, or to give you someone generous but sometimes you can be cruel, or someone forgiving; however, you still hide revenge, someone sensitive; however, you are very insensitive.

He then said to me: It is better for Me to give you someone who I know could grow to have all qualities you are searching rather than to make you waste your time to find someone who already has the qualities you want. Your spouse would be bone from your bone and flesh from your flesh and you will see yourself in her and both of you will be one. Marriage is like a school. It is a life long span education. It is where you and your partner make adjustment and aim not merely to please each other, but to be better human beings and to make a solid teamwork. I do not give you a perfect partner, because you are not perfect either. I give you a partner with whom you would grow together

This is for all: the recently married, the ones who have been married, the soon to get married, and the ones who are still looking.

Allah Malik

Speak To Sri Sai

Aum Sairam

It is in this eternal silence and the Oneness that the deepest levels of truth are known. Sri Sai exists at the very heart of silence within. Once you know Sri Sai within, you will begin to feel and experience and know Sri Sai in everything around you. This knowing is at the very heart of the mystical life.

Once you are firmly established in the silence, then you can communicate directly with Sri Sai. Speak from silence into silence. Allow the response to arise out of silence.

Sri Sai's response will not always be in the form of words. It might come as a feeling of perfect peace or love. You might simply be filled from within with the silent Presence of Sri Sai.

If it is a response in words, make sure that the words are not coming from some part of your thinking mind, which is essentially your ego. The only way to be sure is to be deeply grounded in silence. You must surrender all expectation or attachment to hearing the voice for that would be coming from your ego. Simply learn the art of being fully present. Be innocent. Be full and open and generous in your heart. Speak to Sri Sai honestly and authentically.

Allah Malik

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Things That You Cannot Recover

Aum Sairam

A young lady was waiting for her flight in the boarding room of a big airport. As she would need to wait for many hours, she decided to buy a book to spend her time.

She also bought a packet of cookies.

She sat down in an armchair, in the VIP room, to rest and read in peace.

Beside the armchair where the packet of cookies lay, a man sat down in the next seat, opened his magazine and started reading.

When she took out the first cookie, the man took one also, she felt irritated but said nothing, she just thought, “What a nerve If I was in the mood I would punch him for daring”

For each cookie she took, the man took one too.

This was infuriating her but she didn’t want to cause a scene. But only one cookie remained, she thought: “ah lets see what this abusive man will do now”.

Then the man taking the last cookie divided into half, giving her one half.

Ah! That was too much!

She was much too angry now.

In a Huff, she took her book, her things and stormed to the boarding place.

When she sat down to her seat inside the plane, she looked into her purse to take her a pair of eye glasses and to her surprise; her packet of cookies was there untouched and unopened.

She felt so ashamed, She realized that she was wrong... she had forgotten that her cookies were kept in her purse.

The man had shared his cookies with her, without feeling angry or bitter. While she had been very angry, thinking that she was dividing her cookies with him. And now there was no chance to explain herself or to apologize.

The moral of the story:
There are 4 things that you cannot recover
1. The Stone, after it is thrown in water
2. The Word, after it is said
3. The Occasion, after it is lost
4. The Time, after it is gone.

Did anyone ever tell you how important you make others feel?
Did anyone ever tell you that many times when they were sad your e-mail made them smile a bit; in fact it made them glad.

For the time you spend sending things and sharing whatever you find, there are no words to thank you, but somebody thinks you're fine. So take this step and spread this message to your loved ones.

Allah Malik

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sri Sai Baba's Teachings

Aum Sairam

Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi is the epitome of reverence a guiding force who generates supreme faith and confidence among His devotees looking for salvation and in quest of coming out of the drudgery of living. As a divine mother He is saturated with love for those who seek Him. With His mission of making people about the divine consciousness and transcending the limits of mortal body, His teachings are guiding His devotees to the path of salvation. People are blessed who follow His teachings.

Among the teachings of Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi there are the cardinal principles of Sri Sai Path called "Shraddha" and "Saburi". Sri Sai Baba looks for these two qualities in His devotees. Here are the teachings and philosophies of Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi.

Shraddha - "Shraddha" is a Sanskrit word, which roughly means faith with love and reverence. Such faith or trust is generated out of conviction, which may not be the result of any rational belief or intellectual wisdom, but a spiritual inspiration. According to Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi, steadfast love in God is the gateway to eternity. Sri Sai Baba’s teaching, both direct and indirect explicate the significance of "Shraddha". Sri Sai Baba reiterates the spiritual guidance of Shri Krishna to Arjun - "Whosoever offer to Me with love or devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, that offering of pure love is readily accepted by Me".

Saburi - "Saburi"; means patience and perseverance. Saburi is a quality needed throughout the path to reach the goal. This quality must be ingrained in a seeker from day one, least he looses his stride and leaves the path half way

Purity - For Sri Sai Baba it was not the purity of the body but inner purity that mattered. No amount of physical and external cleansing would serve any purpose if the man remained impure in mind and heart. Therefore, Sri Sai Baba cautioned His devotees not to make austerity as an end itself, lest they should indulge in physical mortification.

Compassion - Himself an epitome of compassion and love. Sri Sai Baba taught compassion among his disciples. Sri Sai Baba often told His devotees, "Never turn away anybody from your door, be it a human being or animal".

Complete Surrender to the Guru – Sri Sai Baba put Guru on a high pedestal of reverence. For Him Guru was the profound base of the path of devotion. Pointing to His physical frame, "This body is my house. I am not here. My Guru [Master] has taken me away". He asked for complete surrender to the "Guru".

Sai Baba’s Teachings through "Udi" and "Dakshina"

Udi - Udi or the sacred ash was produced from the perpetual fire called "dhuni" lit by Sri Sai Baba in Dwarkamai at Shirdi. Explaining the meaning of life He would refer to Udi and taught that like Udi all the visible phenomena in the world are transient. Through this example Sri Sai Baba wished to make His devotees understand the sense of discrimination between the unreal and the real. Udi taught the devotees discrimination or vivek.

Allah Malik

Have a Blessed Day

Aum Sairam

A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: "I am blind, please help." There were only a few coins in the hat.

A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.

Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, "Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?"

The man said, "I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way."

What he had written was: "Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it."

Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?

Of course both signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind. Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?

Moral of the Story: Be thankful for what you have. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively.

Invite others towards good with wisdom. Live life with no excuse and love with no regrets. When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile. Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear. Keep the faith and drop the fear. Don't believe your doubts and doubt your beliefs. Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve. Life is wonderful if you know how to live.

Sri Sai Baba says, “Life has to be an incessant process of repair and reconstruction, of discarding evil and developing goodness…. In the journey of life, if you want to travel without fear, you must have the ticket of a good conscience.”

Allah Malik

Friday, April 18, 2008

Pleasure Is Mixed With Pain

Aum Sairam

You cannot have pleasure without pain. Wherever there is pleasure, there is pain. You vainly seek pleasure in gold, in women [or men in the case of women], in this mundane existence. You cannot have absolute happiness in a relative physical plane of pairs of opposites. The pairs of opposites rotate in their turn. Death follows life. Night follows day. Light follows darkness Pain follows pleasure.

One part of pleasure is mixed with fifteen parts of pain. Pleasure that is mixed with pain, fear and worry is no pleasure at all. If you carefully begin to analyze this one part of pleasure also, it will dwindle into an airy nothing. You will find that it is mere play of the mind.

Pleasure and pain are relative terms only. They are not two entities. They are obverse and reverse sides of the same coin. The difference is not in kind, but in degree only.

Pleasure and pain are two names for one thing. They are two aspects of one thing. For a worldly man without philosophical knowledge, they appear as two different entities.

Allah Malik

Bread and Onion Story

Aum Sairam

Once it so happened, that a sadhak [disciple] of Yoga came to Shirdi with Nanasaheb Chandorkar. He had studied all the works on Yoga, including the Yoga-sutras of Patanjali, but had no practical experience. He could not concentrate his mind and attain Samadhi [the highest meditative state] even for a short time. He thought that if Sri Sai Baba be pleased with him, He will show him the way to attain Samadhi for a long time. With this object in view he came to Shirdi and when he went to the Masjid he saw Sri Sai Baba eating bread with onion. On seeing this, a thought arose in his mind, "How can this man, who is eating stale bread with raw onion, solve my difficulties and help me?" Sri Sai Baba read his mind and said to Nanasaheb - "Oh Nana, he who has the power to digest onion, should eat it and none else". Hearing this remark, the yogi was wonder-struck and then he fell at Sri Sai Baba's Feet with complete surrender. With pure and open mind, he asked his difficulties and got their solution from Sri Sai Baba. Thus being satisfied and happy, he left Shirdi with Sri Sai Baba's Udi [sacred ash] and blessings.

Allah Malik

Friday, April 11, 2008

Positive Deeds

Aum Sairam

To abandon all love of worldly pleasures and immerse ones mind completely in the love of Sri Sai Baba, can be the consummation only of great Punya. Whatever be the form, only mind that has freed itself from worldly attachments or entanglements, can be filled with Divine Love. Believe firmly in the existence of Sri Sai Baba believe that He is- believe that He is the Father & Mother of the Universe, who preserves everything, then, it does not matter in what form you worship Him, on what pedestal, or in what world you place Him, then there is no doubt, the Omniscient One, immanent in everything and everywhere, will bestow His grace upon you. When seeker, filled with longing to see the Perfect Master, cries out as if heart would break, "Oh Sai, Oh Sai, Oh Paramatma, when shall I behold Thy lovely form with these eyes of mine" on the seeker, whom has tasted the Divine Sweetness of the intense Love, can understand it. Pursue steadily, see Sri Sai Baba and thus fulfill the purpose of this invaluable human birth.

Those who possess such love of Sri Sai Baba, love solitary places, sit in the corner of lonely chamber where everything reminds of Sri Sai Baba and hate any destruction which disturbs the concentration or contemplation of merging and can easily go into Samadhi, which is the culmination of Bhakti and Dhyana. But for the Karma Yogi, who is trying to perform his duties as acts of devotion, without any desire for reward, can bathe devoutly, gain Sri Sai Baba's grace, blessings and bounties and thereby destroy sins and acquire mental purity. He can reinforce his faith in his Sri Sai Baba by observing the glory of Sri Sai Baba, which manifests itself everywhere in this Divine land and go on singing His praise and glory by performing positive deeds for the benefit of humanity at large.

Allah Malik

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Butterfly and the Flower

Aum Sairam

Once there was a man who asked God for a flower and a butterfly. But instead God gave him a cactus and a caterpillar.

The man was sad; he didn't understand why his request was mistaken. Then he thought: Oh well, God has too many people to care for and decided not to question.

After some time, the man went to check up on his request that he had left forgotten to his surprise, from the thorny ugly cactus a beautiful flower had grown and the unsightly caterpillar had been transformed into the most beautiful butterfly.

GOD always does things right! His way is ALWAYS the best way, even if to us it seems all wrong. If you asked God for one thing and receive another, TRUST. You can be sure that He will always give you what you need at the appropriate time. What you want is not always what you need! God never fails to grant our petitions, so keep on going for Him without doubt. Today's THORN is tomorrow's FLOWER! GOD GIVES THE VERY BEST TO THOSE WHO LEAVE THE CHOICES UP TO HIM!

Allah Malik

God and Us

Aum Sairam

Our Creator loves us, His creatures, like a caring Father-Mother, and seeks to give us as better as possible. Even if what He does feel painful sometimes, it is but His educational measure: by means of pain He teaches us what we should not be. This is for our own good. And it is in our interest to be sensitive to such instructions of His.

The purpose of our lives consists in qualitative and quantitative development of us as consciousnesses [souls]. After reaching God like degree of development by these two criteria in the end of this long process we merge into the Creator and thus enrich Him with ourselves. This constitutes His growth. And this accounts for His direct concern in our advancement in the direction that He prefers; He points out to us any deviations from this correct path by means of pain and various troubles. But if He is satisfied with our advancement, He gives us a tremendous amount of happiness and bliss and then there remains no doubt as to the power of His most sincere Love.

Sometimes one may hear an opinion that existence of innumerable sufferings on the earth proves that God does not exist. This way of thinking is pertinent to extremely egotistic people who consider everyone, including God, to be their servants. But the Truth is opposite to this: it is us who must put ourselves to His service.

How can we serve God, then?
In order to answer this question we should first find out what He is interested in, why He created planets, stars, plants, animals, and people.

The answer cannot be found in the distorted and degraded religious concepts, which lack the evolutionary approach to the explanation of these problems, while declaring a man a paltry and hopelessly sinful creature, doomed to beg the dreadful Universal Lord for forgiveness of his actual and imaginary transgressions.

But no: if we are able to break free from the darkness of religious ignorance, we can dramatically transform our miserable existence full of resentment, diseases, hate, grief and sorrow into a vigorous life abounding with joy, creative service to other people and God, and cooperation with Him. Who is visible, audible, and loving, always there to hear us out and give us advice.

But such relationships with Him are possible only if we make real efforts on transforming ourselves in accordance with His plan and if we offer ourselves to Him as assistants, co-workers, and servants.

Allah Malik

10 Rules for a Happy Day

Aum Sairam

1 - TODAY I WILL NOT STRIKE BACK: If someone is rude, if someone is impatient, if someone is unkind... I will not respond in a like manner.

2 - TODAY I WILL ASK GOD TO BLESS MY "ENEMY": If I come across someone who treats me harshly or unfairly, I will quietly ask GOD to bless that individual. I understand the "enemy" could be a family member, neighbor, co-worker or stranger.

3 - TODAY I WILL BE CAREFUL ABOUT WHAT I SAY: I will carefully choose and guard my words being certain that I do not spread gossip.

4 - TODAY I WILL GO THE EXTRA MILE: I will find ways to help share the burden of another person.

5 - TODAY I WILL FORGIVE: I will forgive any hurts or injuries that come my way.

6 - TODAY I WILL DO SOMETHING NICE FOR SOMEONE, BUT I WILL NOT DO IT SECRETLY: I will reach out anonymously and bless the life of another.

7 - TODAY I WILL TREAT OTHERS THE WAY I WISH TO BE TREATED: I will practice the golden rule - "Do unto others as I would have them do unto me" with everyone I encounter.

8 - TODAY I WILL RAISE THE SPIRITS OF SOMEONE WHO IS DISCOURAGED: My smile, my words, my expression of support, can make the difference to someone who is wrestling with life.

9 - TODAY I WILL NURTURE MY BODY: I will eat less; I will eat only healthy foods. I will thank GOD for my body.

10 - TODAY I WILL GROW SPIRITUALLY: I will spend a little more time in prayer today: I will begin reading something spiritual or inspirational today; I will find a quiet place [at some point during this day] and listen to God's voice.

Allah Malik

Real and Unreal

Aum Sairam

Sri Sai Baba taught us discrimination between Real and Unreal.

The following words will further signify the importance, significance and efficacy of Udi. He is standing on the threshold of Dwarkamai beckoning devotees and people alike besmearing Udi on their forehead

Placing His boon conferring hands on their heads

Udi has taught us discrimination holding spiritual and material significance together. Giving health, happiness and prosperity to all. Freedom from anxiety and worldly affairs

Udi has stood the test of time
Gave relief when no end of suffering in sight cured mental and physical afflictions all the time it acted like medicine in times of need

Sri Sai Baba has said that
those who resort to the Dwarkamai, and apply Udi will never suffer in this life

Such is the force and power of Sri Sai Baba behind the Udi that even today it testifies to the world its importance and significance. Really blessed are those who apply it daily as a gift of Sri Sai Baba to be freed from the miseries of the world.

Allah Malik

Sense and Mind Control

Aum Sairam

You can experience Bliss only when you have learnt to control the Mind. To control the Mind, you have to engage in good deeds. As you go on performing good deeds, you will develop good thoughts and feelings; and when you have good thoughts, you will acquire true understanding of the Real.

Sanctify the time given to you with good thoughts and good actions. To achieve this, you have to cultivate the company of the good, and all of this, in due course, would lead to liberation. Filling your mind with thoughts of Sri Sai Baba and engaging in good actions is true Sadhana.

People claim to spend hours in meditation. But of what use is it if there is no concentration of the Mind? Far better it is to render social service or participate in Bhajans, and through such means subject the Mind to some discipline. This also is how work gets transformed into worship. When you dedicate all your thoughts and actions to Sri Sai Baba, your actions automatically get purified.

You can experience Sri Sai Baba through the performance of your duties and proper actions. Shri Bhagawad Gita says that the body and the Atma together constitute the human personality. Similarly, the scriptures refer to the human body as the temple and the Indwelling Spirit as Sri Sai Baba residing in that temple. Even a mere intellectual understanding of this fact is enough to make you happy. But you would be happier still, when you put this understanding into practice in your daily life. You should try to seek continuous satisfaction and fulfillment by basing even your mundane activities on spiritual values. Whatever be the activity with which you are preoccupied in Society, you must be steadfast in holding on to the spiritual ideal. This alone will bestow lasting peace.

Offering all the actions performed through them to Sri Sai Baba should sanctify the sense organs. You can surely achieve that sanctified state, provided you have strong determination. Unfortunately, man does not evince such a firm determination and tenacity of purpose in respect of spiritual matters, as he does for the sake of mundane things. Man is prepared to make any amount of effort to undertake a journey of millions of miles into outer space, but he hardly ever endeavors to go even an inch within, towards his Inner Self. What is the use of intelligence and worldly acquisitions when they cannot give Atma Shanti [the untrammeled peace of the Atma or the Spirit]? Sri Sai Baba alone can confer such enduring peace on man.

As far as possible, avoid causing harm or pain to others. As you sow, so shall you reap. Whenever you feel disturbed by a sense of anger, envy, pride, jealousy and the like, become alert and resort to the contemplation of Sri Sai Baba

Allah Malik

Monday, April 7, 2008

Three Questions

Aum Sairam

Once a king wanted to know answers to three questions about which he had been contemplating for a long time. One day the king raised these questions in his Court Hall. The questions were: Where is God? In what direction does He cast His look? What does He do? None could answer these questions. The King then summoned with due honor a sage to his court. He asked the sage to answer these questions.

The Sage replied: "Like butter in the milk God is everywhere". To answer the second question the sage asked for a lamp. He lit the lamp and asked the King: "In which direction does this lamp shed its light?" The lamp sheds its light in all the directions" replied the king. The sage said "Likewise God is Effulgence itself and His vision is not directed to a particular place or person. He is all seeing". The king asked: "What does He do?" The sage said: "Since I am in a way instructing you in spiritual matters, I am in the position of a preceptor, you a disciple. So we have to exchange our places. Are you prepared for this?" The king agreed and came down from his elevated position and sat on the seat in which the sage sat. The sage said with a twinkle in his eyes: "This is what God does. He brings down the mighty and elevates the humble. He can make the poor rich and the rich poor. He can do anything. He is all pervading. He is all seeing and Omnipotent." The king was very much pleased with these answers. He expressed his gratitude to the sage and honored him in a fitting manner.

Like the king in the story, every one of us should try to understand the true characteristics of God: God is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent.

Allah Malik

Spirituality and its Benefits

Aum Sairam

Only Spirituality can bring the lasting happiness or contentment that each of us seeks through anything we do. This is because spiritual practice is the tool to experience our divine nature [soul] or God - the only source of lasting Bliss. Everything else in this world, such as external objects, relationships, career, wealth, etc. is temporary in nature and hence, gives fleeting happiness and unhappiness. In fact science of Spirituality states that the very reason we are born is to experience our true Blissful nature by completing our Destiny and making spiritual progress through spiritual practice!

The importance of Spirituality for our well being at all levels - physical, psychological as well as spiritual - cannot be emphasized enough. However, Spirituality is a science of experience, that is, its benefits have to be experienced by doing actual spiritual practice daily.

Spirituality is important and should be practiced by one and all:

Most of our problems, especially major ones like grave illness, failure in marriage or career, etc., are due to spiritual factors like Destiny, negative energies, etc. Practicing Spirituality alone can reduce these spiritual problems, giving us a better quality of life.

As one studies and practices Spirituality one progresses spiritually and merges with the Omniscient God principle. Thus, Spirituality is the only subject that can bestow Omniscience, that is, the knowledge/truth behind everything.

Even at the level of society, one can see the tremendous decline in spiritual and moral purity due to the decline in spiritual practice. The rampant unrighteousness, corruption, terrorism, immorality, etc., can only be eliminated if the components of society, namely the people, purify their very attitudes by undertaking the spiritual path.

Benefits of Spirituality in day-to-day life:

Since spiritual practice works at the subtle, attitude level, it alone brings lasting reduction in undesirable attitudes or personality defects like anger, envy, intolerance, etc., gradually improving our day-to-day interactions.

By reducing unnecessary thinking or activity of the mind, Spirituality increases concentration, improving performance in any activity.

It has therapeutic benefits in mental illnesses, especially in conditions like obsessive-compulsive disorders.

It also helps develop a philosophical attitude and inner strength, which help one calmly face even dire or uncontrollable circumstances like accidents or incurable disease, aging, death, etc., in our life or that of our loved ones.

It helps develop a positive attitude, increasing our joy in life.

Allah Malik

4 wives

Aum Sairam

There was a rich merchant who had 4 wives. He loved the 4th wife the most
and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies. He took great
care of her and gave her nothing but the best.

He also loved the 3rd wife very much. He's very proud of her and always
wanted to show off her to his friends. However, the merchant is always in
great fear that she might run away with some other men.

He too, loved his 2nd wife. She is a very considerate person, always patient
and in fact is the merchant's confidante. Whenever the merchant faced some
problems, he always turned to his 2nd wife and she would always help him out
and tide him through difficult times.

Now, the merchant's 1st wife is a very loyal partner and has made great
contributions in maintaining his wealth and business as well as taking care
of the household. However, the merchant did not love the first wife and
although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her.

One day, the merchant fell ill. Before long, he knew that he was going to
die soon. He thought of his luxurious life and told himself, "Now I have 4
wives with me. But when I die, I'll be alone. How lonely I'll be!"

Thus, he asked the 4th wife, "I loved you most, endowed you with the finest
clothing and showered great care over you. Now that I'm dying, will you
follow me and keep me company?" "No way!" replied the 4th wife and she
walked away without another word.

The answer cut like a sharp knife right into the merchant's heart. The sad
merchant then asked the 3rd wife, "I have loved you so much for all my life.
Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?" "No!" replied
the 3rd wife. "Life is so good over here! I'm going to remarry when you
die!" The merchant's heart sank and turned cold.

He then asked the 2nd wife, "I always turned to you for help and you've
always helped me out. Now I need your help again. When I die, will you
follow me and keep me company?" "I'm sorry, I can't help you out this time!"
replied the 2nd wife. "At the very most, I can only send you to your grave."
The answer came like a bolt of thunder and the merchant was devastated.

Then a voice called out : "I'll leave with you. I'll follow you no matter
where you go." The merchant looked up and there was his first wife. She was
so skinny, almost like she suffered from malnutrition. Greatly grieved, the
merchant said, "I should have taken much better care of you while I could
have !"

Moral :

Actually, we all have 4 wives in our lives

a. The 4th wife is our body. No matter how much time and effort we lavish in
making it look good, it'll leave us when we die.

b. Our 3rd wife ? Our possessions, status and wealth. When we die, they all
go to others.

c. The 2nd wife is our family and friends. No matter how close they had been
there for us when we're alive, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the

d. The 1st wife is in fact our soul, often neglected in our pursuit of
material, wealth and sensual pleasure.

Guess what? It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go.
Perhaps it's a good idea to cultivate and strengthen it now rather than to
wait until we're on our deathbed
to lament.

Allah Malik

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The 4 D's Of Spiritual Growth

Aum Sairam

Strive to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To be too wise for worry, too tolerant for hate, and too courageous to be fearful. In short, to be happy.

Reflect on this pathway for meaningful growth:

DISCIPLINE - To create change in our lives, we need to consistently focus on what we want.

DETACHMENT - Practice the art of detached observation. Let go of automatic defenses and patterns.

DISCERNMENT - Seek to discern the lower from the higher. What is self-serving and what is soul-inspired? Discernment carries no judgment. There are no good and bad. Remain as a detached witness.

DHARMA - This is an East Indian word meaning, "living your unique purpose." How do you find meaning and fulfillment in ways that are natural to you? How do you best serve and contribute to the world?

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiving, selfishness, and fears.

Allah Malik

Today's Inspiration

Aum Sairam

Don't think less of yourself than God thinks of you. He has created us with worth and value beyond our comprehension. Oh Sai, help me to live daily knowing that I am very valuable and do make a difference.

Allah Malik

No Don'ts in Your Life

Aum Sairam

Don't Say I Can't:
There are two words that I don't allow in my household - I can't. The fact is that most of what we say that we can't do can actually be done, if only we put our mind to it. My mother taught me from an early age that if something else had already done it, I could too. And if no one else had already done it, I could certainly be the first. Good advice!

Don't Give Up:
If you are going to achieve anything in life, you are going to get knocked down along the way. Those who succeed are those who get back up and forge ahead. My eldest child is in gymnastics and I am convinced that more often than not, success lies on the other side of the river hardship. Determination, and a don't give up attitude will see us through the hard times and on to victory!

Don't Get Discouraged:
Discouragement is an attitude. Instead of going to the depths of the dumps, tell your self you are going to do great. Choose to be courageous. One of the greatest powers we have been given as humans is the ability to choose our attitude. All people experience hard circumstances. Yet some say to themselves that they will learn from them and forge ahead a better person.

Don't Be A Lone Ranger:
Anybody who has achieved greatness has done it with the help of many others who bought into the vision and pushed the cart. The most famous and accomplished achievers in the world all had a cast of others who helped them along. If the great need others, then so do we. The sooner we realize that we need others, the quicker we will achieve our dreams.

Don't Accept Anything Less Than Excellence:
Good gets along, excellence succeeds. Have you ever heard anyone say of the greats 'Yeah, they were pretty good.' They were excellent! We should never, under any circumstances, accept less than excellence. We should constantly be striving to better ourselves, our situations, our relationship, and the people around us, helping them to become excellent.

Allah Malik