Atma Vidya, the Science of the self is the highest wisdom,If that is mastered, salvation is achieved.
Be liberal and munificent, but not lavish or extravagant
Certainly, mere book-learning without the grace of the Guru and self-realisation, is of no avail
Do not borrow for celebrating a feast or festival, for a pilgrimage or other journey.
Earnestly look at me wholeheartedly and I in turn look at you similarly
'Fakiri' (mendicancy) is the real Lordship as it is everlasting and the so called Lordship evanescent
Get on cheerfully with your worldly round of activities, but do not forget God.
'Hari' (God) will certainly be pleased if you give water to the thirsty, bread to the hungry and clothes to the naked.
If I take one rupee 'dakshina' from anyone, I have- to return it to him ten fold.
'Jnana' is to be realised, and is not a matter of direct 'Upadesa'
Know for certain that he who feeds the hungry, really serves Me with food.
Love your Guru wholeheartedly, surrender to him completely and prostrate before him reverentially
My eye of vigilant supervision is ever on those who love me
Never accept 'gratis' labour (or, of course, property)of others. This should be the rule of your life
One who makes Me the sole object of his thoughts and aims, will gain 'Paramartha' (Supreme Goal)
Poverty is highest riches and is a thousand times superior to a Lord's position.
Quietly repeat My Name perpetually to reach your goal.
Regarding what one sees with one's eyes, why ask others? one must decide for oneself
Sit quiet. 'Uge Muge'. I will do the needful. I will take you to the end.
Trust in the Guru fully. That is the only 'Sadhana',Guru is all the God-
Unless one thinks and carries out what he reads, the reading is of no use
Vigilantly avoid rivalries and bickering; God will protect you.
Whatever you do, do it thorough fully; else do not undertake it
X'Cept by My Grace, not a leaf moves; I look on all with an equal eye.
You should have truth always with you, then I shall be with you wherever you are and at all times
Zealously utter My Name with Love; I shall fulfill all your desires, increase your devotion.
Let God fight your battles for you....
With Regards & Best Wishes.
Om Sai Ram.