
Sunday, November 2, 2008


Aum Sairam

Spiritual pursuit requires faith. Is faith in Sadguru something that one can successfully teach or logically decipher? Perhaps not. Faith is a virtue of certitude that has to exist without even an aorta of distrust or doubt. The term blind faith, is commonly used to denote the unshakable trust one possesses in the object of reference. Ancient Hindu scriptures depict the story of great devotee Prahlad, the son of demon king Hiranyakasyapa. Hiranyakasyapa challenges the existence of God and goes to the extent of torturing his very son to prove his point. To the madness of the demon father, the child Prahlad responds with a smile and counterchallenges that the all pervading God could be realized in any object, animate and inanimate. The proud demon king kicks on the post near-by ridiculing how God could be found in an inert object such as a brick wall or a post. Alas! The faith of devotee child Prahlad is paid off; Lord Vishnu manifests Himself by coming out of the post split kicked by the demon king. Vishnu appearing in the form of Lion faced Narasimha, kills Hiranyakasyapa and rescues His devotee Prahlad from the torture of the evil.

The faith that a follower should have in his/her Guru has often been compared to the faith exhibited by a dog towards her master. Of all the animals in nature, dog is known for its faithfulness. Sri Sai's special love for this animal signifies the same. Dog always accompanies her master and never forsakes him at times of distress. In this case, a life form that is far less evolved than humans in other faculty stands out as an example for faith, an important requisite for a seeker.

Allah Malik

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