Aum Sairam
Megha saw Shiva in Sri Sai. Initially he was reluctant to go to Shirdi. He was a devotee of Shiva and he was promoted by God to proceed to Shirdi where his Lord Shiva was seen in Sri Sai. Later on, he became an ardent devotee of Sri Sai. You too by the grace of Sri Sai should become a true devotee of Sri Sai.
Everybody was in search of Shama before going to Sri Sai at Shirdi. Without Shama, it was very difficult for anybody to get Sri Sai's grace. Shama was given great importance by Sri Sai. Should we not strive to emulate Shama and become an important devotee of Sri Sai at Shirdi? Many devotees got rid of sorrow and suffering at Shirdi. They became great and Godly. You should also be one among them.
It is to free you from all problems, ailments and anguish, Sri Sai calls you to Shirdi. It is not only to free you from the sufferings but to elevate you to the kingdom of freedom, that Sri Sai blesses you.
Sri Sai invites you to Shirdi, since entry into Shirdi is the end of your agony. This anguish is not only of this birth. It has been haunting us for several births. They are all to be got rid of and that is possible only by visiting Shirdi.
In our journey towards God, we have passed through several births. In every birth, we experience Prarabhdha. While experiencing the Prarabhdha, we may add to the Sanchit [the accumulated Karma] some more fruits of our good and bad doings. They are all called Aagami. Sanchit Karma is the accumulated Karma. Aagami is that which is going to add in future. Prarabhda is the present Karma, through which we enjoy or endure its fruits.
This cycle of past, present and future Karma is indeed s botheration and anguish. We have to end them. Unless we stop the journey of birth and death and rebirth, the sufferings don’t cease.
Many people are of the opinion that the journey is over with death in this birth. They think all sufferings will come to an end with death. That is not true. It is ignorance to think so. This ignorance should vanish. Then only, we will understand what real liberation is. Then only we will understand what cessation and suffering is.
You want to be free from all sufferings in this birth. But Sri Sai wants to liberate you from all sorrows of the entire journey. Your plan is for this birth only. But Sri Sai's plan is different. You are narrow minded, short sighted and therefore you think of only this birth. But Sri Sai thinks of eternity and grants us lasting liberation.
Sri Sai is capable of removing any pain and sorrow in a trice. Many a time, He entered your life and granted you relief. Because of your devotion, you have won His divine grace. That is the reason the devotees of Sri Sai have been blessed with a boon by Him. That is the very first law expressed by Sri Sai himself "enter Shirdi to get rid of all anguish".
Allah Malik
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