
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Prayers And Their Significance.

Aum Sairam

Prayers and their significance. Distance lends enchantment to the view It is not so in spirituality. The nearer you come to God, the greater becomes your joy and happiness. You pass from the mundane to the spiritual plane of existence. It is a ladder, a bridge to eternity.

Be spiritual- Forget self. Immerse yourself in the ocean of universality. Give up individuality and become impersonal. It is only then, the gulf between your mundane world and our Spiritual world of Eternal Bliss can be bridged. Make God the target of your life, the summon bonus of your aspirations, the goal of your victory.

Pray to him day and night. Prayers offered from the fullness of your heart find an echo in the Universal Mind. They create waves after waves of divine power bringing in you a new life a new impulse, a new light, a healing of wounds which nothing else can cure or heal. Prayers are a sovereign remedy for all ills the body is heir to. They remedy, they purify, they exalt, they illumine the heart, mind and soul.

To pray to God is the privilege of every one, whether he be a fakir or a prince. It is the greatest weapon which a person holds in his hands for the betterment of his life. Prayers are based on this fact that God, who is invisible, is ever present and ever eager to listen to us in our grief and distress.

Prayer is the language of the heart. It is divine communion. It is celestial music. It is a gateway to our purification and salvation. Sacrifice and self-surrender to God are the main pillars of every prayer. No prayer is genuine if not buttressed with the oil of sacrifice and offered in complete abandonment to the will of God.

Allah Malik

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