
Friday, January 30, 2009

The Best Way To Live

Aum Sairam

Remember that as a child of God you are endowed with greater strength than you will ever need to overcome all the trials that god may send you.

Often we continue to suffer without making an effort to change, which is why we don't find lasting peace and contentment. If we would persevere, we would certainly be able to conquer all difficulties. We must make the effort that we may go from misery to happiness from despondency to courage. It is necessary first to feel the importance of changing our condition. This attitude stimulates our will to action. Let us resolve that we will always make an effort to improve our Self knowledge and thus continuously better our existence.

India's spiritual scientists explored the kingdom of the soul. They have given to mankind for its benefit certain universal laws of meditation by which real seekers those who wish to find a good life by changing themselves may scientifically control their minds and attain Self realization.

When you develop your divine nature you become completely detached about the body; you no longer feel identified with it. You look after it, as you would attend to a little child. As you realize your true Self more and more, by meditation, devotion to the Sadguru, "sarvasva sharanagati"; you become freed from mental and physical pains. You cast off your lifelong limitations.

Allah Malik

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