
Friday, January 30, 2009

God – Definition

Aum Sairam

To define God, first we have to define our self.

What I am ?

Am I the photograph taken during my childhood, my youth stage, my old age or the child in the mother’s womb

I am there during my stay in mother’s womb and I am there during my old age.

What is it that existing all the time when I am alive and not existing when I am dead.

It is me. What am I?

What is the difference between Rahul Gandhi and me, What is the difference between me and my brother if we both are twins with same bodily appearance.

The qualities, the personality. A person is identified by his character, personality not by his body features.

What is my personality, what is a person’s nature – character.

They are the habits or impressions or knowledge of worldly things imprinted in mind.

What am I ? a bundle of thoughts, habits, knowledge accompanied by Intellect

What am I? Mind, Intellect and thought impressions / habits.

From when, Mind and Intellect is active with thoughts? They have been active during my stay in mother’s womb.

A person can use his mind and intellect even when his body is paralyzed below his neck, when only his brain is active.

What am I ? Not physical but spiritual, like a small computer memory chip stored inside the brain, which is called as soul, a point of light, with natural 7 qualities like Knowledge, Purity, Peace, Love, Happiness, Bliss and Powers to Judge, accommodate, detach, tolerate, pack up, face, withdraw and cooperate

I can live a peaceful and happy life if I am in my natural qualities [soul consciousness] not coming into body conscious.

But now since we have come into body consciousness we have forgotten our original true nature and because of that we have made once heaven into hell [Life on Earth].

Students follow Teacher, Travelers follow Guide, Children follow their Father, likewise human being should follow God to regain their original nature. By nature Student is same as teacher and in future student can also become equal to Teacher but Teacher and Student are different, they cannot become One but can become equal. Similarly Guide as traveler and children as Father.

To make this hell, again into heaven , we have to regain our lost, forgotten nature, by following the Teacher, Guide and Father of human beings who is called as God.

Who is God?

Human being’s father is also a human being, Cat’s father is also a Cat, Ant’s father is also an Ant, the source of something will be same as that of the source. Similarly, human being - soul’s father should also be same as that of a human soul with all the original qualities and He is called as Supreme soul.

What are the difference between Human soul and Supreme Soul ?

Human soul come into the cycle of birth and death and lose or forget their original nature.

Supreme soul never comes into the cycle of birth and Death, so He remains ever pure retaining His natural qualities always.

When the human souls lose or forget their original nature making the once Heaven [Earth] into Hell [Earth again], God’s role is to guide them to their original nature and create the Heaven, once again, on this same Earth.

Allah Malik

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