Aum Sairam
We should not worry. We should have implicit faith in Sri Sai, in our Inner Pilot or in our spiritual Master. We have to feel that not only does Sri Sai know what is best for us, but He will do what is best for us. We worry because we do not know what is going to happen to us tomorrow, or even the next minute. We feel that if we do not do something for ourselves, then who is going to do it? But if we can feel that there is someone who thinks of us infinitely more than we think of ourselves, and if we can consciously offer our responsibility to Him, saying, "You be responsible. You be responsible for what I do and say and grow into," then our past, our present and our future become His problem. As long as we try to be responsible for our own life, we will be miserable. We will not be able to properly utilize even two minutes out of every twenty four hours we have. When we can feel that we are Sri Sai's conscious instruments and He is the Doer, then we will not worry about our destiny; we will not be afraid of our destiny, for we will know and feel that it is in the all-loving hands of Sri Sai, who will do everything in us, through us and for us.
Let us consciously offer our very existence what we have and what we are to Sri Sai. What we have is aspiration to grow into the very image of Sri Sai, into infinite peace, Light and bliss. And what we are right now is just ignorance, the ignorance sea. If we can offer our aspiration-cry and our ignorance sea to Sri Sai, then our problem is solved. We should not and we need not ever worry about destiny. On the strength of our surrender, we become inseparably one with Sri Sai's cosmic Will.
Allah Malik
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