
Friday, February 6, 2009

Words of Wisdom

Aum Sairam

Do you have the practice of thinking positively for yourself and of having good wishes for others? Look carefully at the pattern of your thoughts. If you cannot keep your thoughts completely positive, you cannot become a well-wisher for others. How can you bring benefit to others if you are choking on your own thoughts? In fact, negative thoughts are like poison. Positive thoughts are like nectar. Sri Sai wants you to practice paying attention to making your thought patterns absolutely pure. Not just positive but pure. Pure thoughts will allow you to be peaceful. Once you experience peace within, others are able to feel that peace through the vibrations.

Review your life and ask; how much sorrow have I given and how much sorrow have I taken from others? We have all experienced loss from this. The taking of sorrow brought pain to your heart and it is now time to finish it. The sorrow of many of you have taken has not finished yet. Actually, who is really to blame for that; the one who gave the sorrow or the one who took it? Sri Sai is the remover of sorrow. This is one of His titles.

If your pain has not finished then where are you placing Sri Sai in your life? Is He at the centre of your life? It is really very simple; just keep the awareness of Sri Sai and He will heal you. He will work as a healer in your life. He is actually the one who can heal all hurt and sorrow in a second. The true awareness of Sri Sai is very, very beneficial to the soul.

Understand the significance of everything that is happening. 'This one is doing this, that one is doing that'; the moment you have such thoughts you break the love in your relationship with those people. In fact, Sri Sai’s law is to bring everyone together with spiritual love.

let your face be such that just by seeing it those who come to you become happy. Sit with them and speak with love and affection. Fill them with power and give the feeling of what expression is. Be careful not to come into familiarity with anyone. You should never think; this one is my student and I am their teacher. Human love pulls people towards each other. In one way or another you become subservient to that person. Anyone who comes should feel; these are Sri Sai's devotee.

Others get inspired by seeing your behavior. Become an image by practicing what Sri Sai is teaching. We need to give so much love to people that they are able to remove their attachment and attraction to the whole world. We need to teach them how to connect to one. To make others equal to you, sustain them with knowledge and remembrance of Sri Sai. We need to pay full attention to everyone who comes. Just as Sri Sai saw me as a soul and made me belong to Himself, in the same way we should not see people as white or black, rich or poor, but just look at them as pure souls.

Allah Malik

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