Aum Sairam
The husband or wife gets attracted by a better ‘total personality’ of opposite sex, whom he or she meets in life. Mental attraction is hidden by several people by controlling their words. Words and actions of the body are inert and do not participate in the sin. When this body, which spoke or did some wrong activity is left over here [death], the soul is taken to hell in some other energetic body and is punished. If the body is a participant of the sin, it should be directly taken to hell and be punished. Therefore, in hell, the mind is punished through another new body. Therefore, the sin is in the mind and not in the body. Once mental attraction is there, the sin is recorded. The words and actions of the body are works of the inert energy and matter and have no sin.
Therefore, after marriage, getting attracted to another person is a sin and the soul is punished in hell. If the other side is also not chaste, will the sin get mutually cancelled leading to no punishment to either person? No. Both will be punished in hell.
To get rid of such sin and the consequent hell, control of mind cannot be the true path, which is impossible. Some control food [to reduce sexual desire], but it is not a permanent solution because such feelings are precipitated in the soul from several millions of births. You cannot control the mind through the body, when the mind is controlling your body. Such precipitated mind and felling, called as nature acquired from millions of births, finally decides the course of action.
The only permanent and real solution for this is to realize the real aim of human life and turn towards Sadguru Sri Sai. The attraction towards Sadguru Sri Sai in which the side attraction towards another person disappears like the flood of river. No other side attraction can exist, when the divine personality of Sri Sai appears. This attraction is totally different since it is the bond between Sadguru Sri Sai and the soul and not a bond between souls. There is no aspect of male or female here.
In this bond of love for Sadguru Sri Sai, both justice and injustice disappear. If one realises this divine knowledge he attains the Lord and crosses both good and bad. Both the hell and heaven are thrown out when you approach the divine Lords lotus feet.
Allah Malik
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