"The fulfillment of My creation lies in the great happiness of my spectators (men). Man will be grateful when he will realize my empire and that I am the whole and sole controller or holder of the reins." - Shri Sai Samarth Satcharita, Ch. 8, Ovi 62.
During his visit to Europe in 1910, Sadhu Vaswani went to several places and addressed eager audiences on the message of India's Rishis and Saints. His address at the Welt Congress, the World Congress of Religions, at Berlin, and his subsequent lectures in different parts of Europe aroused interest in Indian thought and religion, and awakened in many hearts love for God and the suffering children of God. When his work in Europe was over and he was ready to return to India, he found he did not have the money to purchase a ticket. He did not worry; he knew that a ticket would be provided at the right time. A day before the steamer was to set sail for India, he was invited by the Maharani of Cooch Bihar to take tea with her. She was in England on a holiday trip. In the course of her talk, the Maharani said to Sadhu Vaswani, "May I make a request?"
Sadhu Vaswani smiled.
The Maharani said, "I understood you have finished your work in Europe and are returning to India. Permit me to get for you a ticket."
Sadhu Vaswani was not surprised. The life of a man who completely trusts in God is filled with many such 'miracles'. They are not miracles; they are normal, natural working of the Divine Mother who anticipates the needs of Her trusting children and provides for them. Wondrous are Her ways! Blessed be Her Name!
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