Aum Sai Ram.
The mystery of 108 is hard to solve,
Why in so many cultures it's regarded
The Master sequence of them all.
In ours too it's held in highest of esteem,
Yet in time it's real meaning has been.
Blissfully forgotten by one and all,
So let's see what it has to say about itself.
Why is it so sacred and held in regard.
To begin we have to go back in time,
With the discovery of Devabhasha,
Or the language of the gods, Sanskrit,
It has 54 alphabets in them all.
Each letter has a Siva & Shakti aspect to it,
So that makes 54 x 2 = 108.
On the mystical and sacred geometry of Sri Chakra,
There are vital points called "Marmas" where 3 lines intersect,
Yes there are 54 such intersections totalling it to 108.
By the collective coupling of Feminine & Masculine energies,
If Sri Chakra is the symbolic representation of the human body,
So I believe there has to be 108 principal Nadis (energy channels).
Now to some astronomy, the diameter of the Sun is 108 times,
The diameter of Earth, now tell me if it is plain myth or bust.
Lord Krsna is believed to have played with 108 gopis.
Also in Indian dances, there are said to be 108 different variations.
In literature, the Vedas have 108 Upanishads some here and many lost.
In the Tantric texts too, there is nothing less than 108.
The ancients say, the soul has to pass through 108 different stages,
Before it gets to taste the bliss of final enlightenment.
There is much more to the number than you and I know,
I presume there's gotta be logic to all this, it just can't be just imagination.
But I'm sure whatever 108 is, do know there is a deeper meaning to it.
~ Just a perspective.
Article Courtesy:
Sri. Srinath Raghavan for Sri Naga Sayee Foundation.
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