
Monday, June 30, 2014

Journey of the Power through the & Sacred Doors/ Chakras!

Mooladhara - Root/Base/Foundation
Swadhisthana - One's own divine abode
Manipura - City of Jewels
Anaahata - Unbroken/Unstruck/Unbeaten
Vishuddhi - Absolutely pure
Ajna - To Command
Sahasrara - Thousand petaled Lotus 

Evolution starts from the base (Mooladhara), traveling to the present human state of residence (Swashisthana); further which we get to pass through the city of jewels (Manipura). Most of us get stuck there, by the various glam and glare.

But if we unhook ourselves and travel further upward, we get to a place of quiet and calm, where there is no noise, only the silence of the unbroken sound prevails (Anaahata).

Upwards if we still travel, then it is absolutely pure and pristine, like the comforting air of the holy Himalayas (Vishuddhi). From there on, we only have to reach the command center of human consciousness (Ajna), which opens the bridge to the infinite consciousness of the Divine (Sahasrara).

~ Just a personal interpretation of the seven chakras and the journey of Kula Shakti from one residence to another, ultimately transcending the mundane houses of Jiva, to reach the divine abode of Shiva.

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