
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Is it right to construct Temple as you wish at any possible Place just to make it a Money minting Business?

Aum Sai Ram.

I was going around to meet some friends at a village near Ongole Dist, Andhra Pradesh in early June 2014. I was surprised to see, so many small temples that have cropped up in every nook and corner.

Even if there is a dingy free space, the best utilization these days, is to build a temple and start minting money from Day 1. Temples have become no more than place of business.

Especially the Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temples being built in the smallest of the places available, like a 10ft & 10ft Area or even worse a 5ft * 4Ft area adjacent to the Railway Gate in Rajahmundry.

Temple consecration or Agama Shastra, is an ancient and exact science. There are lot many rules in constructing temples for various gods and goddesses. Each of them having different specifications than the rest, right from the ground on which it's built, to the direction it is facing and the kind of idol that has to be consecrated.

Temples in ancient times, were places of divine power and a receptacle for cosmic grace. Mother Earth is a consortium of Geomagnetic, Geothermic and other invisible yet powerful forces. But certain places, have more concentration of these forces than the rest, and that's where most of the powerful temples are built.

If you research on the old temples of yore, you will definitely notice, that the place where it stands, were not built on coincidences, but through a deep study of spaces and it's effects on human psyche.

There are powerful temples, still in India, where just one visit is enough to rewire/dissolve your entire thought process. (Only Energy can effect/affect energy)

The whole edifice, no matter how huge, was self-supporting, without using cement or other man made materials. This natural architectural and geometric interplay of mass and opposing forces, nullified each other, creating a neutral force, which gave an instant sense of calm and peace to the ones visiting it.

One more facet I wish to point out, is the sanctum sanctorum, where the main idol is placed for daily worship. This placement is a highly deliberate and a deeply calculated move, where by, it sits on the exact peak point of the bio-magnetic field underneath. The idol too is made to precise specifications, using exact combination of various metals and minerals, which acts as a powerful storehouse and transmitter, to capture, store, magnify and disperse the powerful underground forces, above the ground.

By performing daily ritualistic ablution of the idol, the geothermic energy is transferred from the idol to the water etc., which is later given as prasad. This water is infused with cosmic energy, which becomes more like Elixir of Life. (Water carries the best magnetic imprints of nature.)

Now a days, people literally construct a shud or wht ever it is called. collected money from various sources. The best way being the Facebook Approach. With so many Mutual friends in rising, it has become a ground to make gud money.

If you are so much interested in building a sanctum to your lord, build a proper one. Also think if you can spend money on upkeep, proper puja ritual as per shastra's? Can you feed the Gods/Guru atleast if not the devotees visiting you!

I get frequent calls from lot of temples saying that they need a Vaastu consultation as the fund flow to the temple is not proper & that the temple is running under lose.

Well, there are many more mysteries to the ways of the ancients; however when time and intention permits, we shall delve deeper into it, maybe some other time.

Till then, think of your last temple visit and decide if it made any difference to you whatsoever?

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