
Saturday, September 6, 2014


Aum Sai Ram.

Ramalinga Swami [Vallalar] was revealed by the Almighty as an embodiment son of God.

He came to uplift the whole of humanity towards perfect bliss without, Hunger, Disease, Thirst, Desire, Poverty, Fear, Disease, Decay to Death, with full self existent delight or bliss, through true knowledge, true love, true compassion accompanied by common wealth activities without disparities of dogmatic rituals pertaining to any religions, philosophies, caste, color, creed, clan, sex or nationality.

Meditation taught by Ramalinga Swami (Vallalar)

Imagine a circle, a sphere of golden light who is surrounding you.

She is the size of your arms open in the form of a cross.

You are inside this golden sphere.

She is nurturing you from her love, her softness, her light, her healing energy, let yourself dwell in her.

She is medicine if you open yourself to her and if you ask her.

From the golden sphere’s inner space inhale in your heart her light, her love, her healing energy.

Exhale and let the love and light from your heart fill the golden sphere.

Continue to breathe up to when you are one with love and golden light.

Another meditation given by Ramalinga.

From the third eyes look down into the spiritual heart space; just above the center of the chest.

Get in contact with a vibration of love, a warm sensation or other.

From this space let your heart speak and compose your own verses, prayers which express the Divine greatness and the Divine aspiration of your being.

Doing so, all being will profit from your felicity.

When you melt into Divine Light, tears will come from your eyes.

Those tears will purify your soul, body and spirit.

Doing so, you can attain Divine bliss.

When you enter the white light it is the manifestation of the third eye.

When you enter the golden light it is the manifestation of crown, the top of the head.

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