
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Wisdom has many Dimensions, Choose the Right Path!

Aum Sai Ram.

The Lord of Lanka was supremely happy,
That too over the fact that He would confront Rama,
He used to say, "Rama is just a mortal, come on!",
Mandodari, Ravana's wife was wiser than Him.

She reminded Him about the exploits of Rama,
She said, "Remember the Swayamvara!,
Where you had the chance to make Sita yours,
But you couldn't even lift the divine bow.

But He came and lifted as if it was an arrow,
Remember Vali, when He had captured you,
And you were struggling to set free yourself,
The same mighty Vali was felled down by Rama's single arrow.

Also don't forget the episode of Lanka,
When one of His soldier, came and burned it down all alone,
Just imagine when the entire army comes to our shore,
Forget Rama, you weren't even able to cross the line.

That his brother Lakshmana drew on the bare ground,
As soon as you stepped over it, you were thrown off it,
Do you still think my Lord, that Rama is just another mortal,
When you have so many proofs that are very clear.

He is the Lord of the Universe, come in the form of a Human,
Why not just refrain from the war and take surrender".

Ravana after listening to the wisdom of His wife said humbly,
"If He is truly the Lord of the Universe in a human form,
Then I think it's an opportunity to die at his hands,
So let it be, as it's meant to be,
I shall accept my fate as it is."

~ Wisdom has many dimensions; it depends from which angle you are seeing it ~

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