Aum Sai Ram.
Shirdi Sai Baba would speak in cryptic and highly symbolic manner. He would often speak paradoxically leaving his devotees to work out the answers. Here are a few instances:
1) sai baba. (re: a person of Harda who had just died):
How can he die? In the morning, he will come to life.
(The relations of the deceased were looking for the revival of the corpse and were disappointed. Baba referred to survival of personality and taking up a new body in the next birth.)
2) H.S.Dixit to Baba: Nana Saheb Karambelkar writes that his wife and brother are unwell and wants your help for their recovery.
Baba: The brother will recover.
H.S.Dixit: The lady?
Baba: Is she come?
H.S.Dixit: No, but shall we send for her ?
Baba: Yes.
The brother recovered and the lady died.
'Is she come?' means, in "sukshma sarira (Soul). After Death."
3) H.S.Dixit wished to help a devotee at shirdi who was in pecuniary diffculties, but who would not accept any presents. So he enclosed the money in an envelope and went to Baba.
H.S.Dixit: Baba. Shall I send this letter?
Baba: Yes.
H.S.Dixit send it at once; and it was accepted.
The devotee gave the explanation that 2 hours earlier the wife of that devotee went to Baba.
Baba: Mother, I am coming to your house. Tell your husband, not to reject me.
4) Uddhavesa Bua was writing a letter to Baba every Ekadasi day i.e., once in 15 days. He visited Baba some months before Baba passed away.
Baba: Well go. You need not be coming here every fifteen days, I am always with you and will ever be. Tell all people there (i.e., convey my best wishes to all.)
This was really bidding farewell. Uddhavesa did not however understand it, but somehow owing to forgetfulness, he did not send his Ekadasi letter thereafter.
Obviously Baba's reference to the 15 days, visit was a reference to these letters.
5) When Shama was stung by a snake and went to Baba at the mosque.
Baba: Do not get up Brahmin. Get back. Descend !
Shama was afraid that this was an order to him not to climb.
Baba a little later: Come up. The fakir (God), is kind. You will be cured. (Then Shama discovered that the first spoken words were addressed to the poison so that it should not creep up the body of the Brahmin.)
Source: 'Sri Sai Babas Charters and Sayings'
by B.V. Narasimha Swamiji
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