
Monday, March 23, 2009

Grand Master’s Blessings

Aum Sairam

The path of spirituality is not a highway that one may tread easily. It is an arduous and an uphill task, tortuous and difficult. In such a weird setting, all baffling and bewildering, with no way out, God takes mercy on His creatures. He Himself comes down in vile man's attire, to suffer woe so that His children may be blessed. But again the same trouble confronts us.

To understand the teachings of the Master and strictly follow them from day to day, to confide in Him and to completely surrender one's self, body and soul, to His will, is not an easy thing to do. Unless God and Sadguru both take pity on a jiva, he cannot possibly see through to reality and escape from bondage. We with our limited understanding cannot even listen comprehendingly to the Master's words. But in the fullness of time when it so pleases God, He brings about a meeting between a jiva and Sadguru.

The Master is in the likeness of God, though in physical raiment. He, too, is endowed with the same attributes as God Himself. He, too, comes to save the sinners and administer His saving grace among the rest. He washes the jivas clean of their sins and gives the gift of His teachings, which acts as a sovereign remedy against all ills, physical, accidental and spiritual.

The grace of the Master is as limitless as His greatness, so much so that He forgives even those who talk ill of Him and accepts them as His very own. The Master truly is God. He is a sea of heaving compassion. All kinds of gifts eternally flow from Him like perennial springs of cool and refreshing water. The blessings of the Supreme Lord are limitless and do not at any time suffer from scarcity, but one partakes of them only by extraordinary merit. A particle of grace is enough to save a jiva from the ceaseless cycle of transmigration. Man by himself is just a helpless creature and can do nothing. He must not therefore feel vainglorious for what he seemingly does.

The panacea for all ills and the only way to win God's grace is perfect surrender in all humility at the feet of the Master Soul.

Allah Malik

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