Aum Sairam
We are in the fast moving materialistic world where success is measured in terms of bank balance or the material acquisition we have made in short span of life or the influence we in have on the politicians or name and fame in the society. Only when we know we have achieved these milestones we know 'We Are Somebody'. Now when we measure everything, don’t you reckon it is but fair to measure our devotion towards Sri Sai as well. Well then how do we go about measuring our devotion. No, there is no device used to measure devotion nor there is a thermometer available to measure our love towards Sri Sai.
Then how do we measure it? Why does one think of Sri Sai? The big question. When we are in trouble we seek blessings of Sri Sai to help us get out of the sticky situation and bless us with what we desire. Well once that is granted we then keep asking for some other thing. Now the question is – Sri Sai is the giver no doubt but nothing is for free in this world or the world beyond, there is something we have to give back, there comes a point when our prayers are not answered or we feel the world has come to stagnation. Why is this so?.
The point is it is time now for us to reflect and see if our devotion towards Sri Sai has progressed on not. The yardsticks used for this measure of devotion is
A - How many times I think of Sri Sai in a day?
B - Do I think of Him always or only when I need something from Him?
C - Do I thank Sri Sai for what He has done?
D - Do I think of Sri Sai without asking Him anything for self?
E - Do I have this desire to read His books?
F - Do I engage in frequent conversations and talk only about Him?
G - Have I changed my prayers from giving me materialistic wealth to knowledge?
H - Do I give charity thinking of Sri Sai and that He may be in the form of beggar?
I - Do I long to be in His company always?
J - Am I being righteous always?
K - Do I evaluate my talk and thoughts always to see if they are appropriate as prescribed by Him?
L - Do I harm people knowing or unknowingly?
M - Am I being humble always?
N - Do I make every effort to curb my ego?
O - Do I fantasize being in the presence of Sri Sai?
P - Do I feel pain for others when they are in trouble?
If we keep asking us these questions regularly I am sure a stage will come when we have fulfilled all our questions and Sri Sai Himself will confirm our faith. There are different ways to measure the progress of our devotion but the sincerity in pleasing Sri Sai and obeying His word is important. So now let us ask this question to ourselves today – Have I Again Asked For Materialistic Fulfillment Today Or Asked For His Company?
Allah Malik
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