
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Act of Cooking is a kind of Spiritual Attunement.

Aum Sai Ram.

Today I prepared Sambar and Rice for lunch. The very act of cooking, is a kind of Spiritual Attunement for me.

~ Washing Vegetables clean, reminds me to keep myself clean, within and without.

~ Chopping the veggies, reminds me to keep my mind sharp and focused.

~ The very act of lighting the cook top, prompts me to light my inner fire; because without the fire, you can't cook.

~ Pressure cooking the pulses, tells me of the pressures of life; for it's designed to make me gentle, mushy and compassionate.

~ Adding the different condiments to it, tells me there are many flavors, one can include in life; without which, it will be kinda incomplete.

~ Stir it now and then, so the broth won't stick to the bottom of the vessel; so does life stirs you, once a while, so you don't get stuck to the bottom of it.

~ Finally add the right amount of salt; because a pinch more of it, shall ruin it. So too with happiness or sadness; where a pinch extra will ruin you.

~ A good cook, never forgets to taste his dishes now and then, so to check if everything's alright. So too keep a reality check of your head and heart, every now and then, so you don't stick your head in the clouds and drown your heart in sorrows.

~ In time when the dish is complete, it's best shared with others, piping hot, to fully enjoy it.

~ Finally, clean the mess you have created, for no one will do it for you, in reality.

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