
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"Mercury Ball" of the Siddhas.

Aum Sai Ram.

A friend asked for further information on the purified and solidified "Mercury Ball" of the Siddhas.

Well, to begin with, I ain't an authority on it, so I can't enumerate the specifics of it. What little I know, I can share, and that's about it.

"It is called Rasavidya - The science of making gold through Mercury. An ancient science that was perfected by Indians. The Europeans took the Science with them and it was called Alchemy.

Mercury as a metal is a volatile metal. As it moves, it was considered to have life. And it was also called "The seed of Shiva". To transform it into a stable metal, is almost impossible, even for today's smartest minds.

However the Tamil Siddhas, devised a way of purifying it through a rigorous multi step-by-step procedure, by adding to it various herbs and salts and then finally lighting it with sacred fire. All the impurities used to dissolve through this procedure and what was left behind, was pure solidified Mercury.

When correctly done, the molecules of this volatile metal, fuse together to form a stable metal.

Pure solidified Mercury is considered highly medicinal as it aids regeneration of cells. There are many ancient spiritual practices, which uses Mercury, to deepen one's Meditation. But a word of caution, do not but anything that is sold in the market because, if not done by proper methods, it can be highly poisonous and dangerous.

In our ancient texts, it is said, that Mercury or Parad, is higher than any other metal, as it vibrates to the resonance of Lord Shiva himself. So to possess it and keep it and worship it, is an act of worshiping Shiva himself..."

Rasa Vidya or Alchemy as it's called in European countries, originated in India; especially the South of India. The ancient Siddhas, knew how to turn Quick Silver, as it's called else where, into solid for physio-spiritual purposes.

Mercury (Hg) is a highly toxic metal, which can eat into Gold also. Although used in the processing of Gold, it manifests many physical diseases to ones who handle it. Hence it is banned in many gold mining countries.

The Siddhas discovered ways to remove it's toxicity by introducing the raw Mercury to many herbal mixtures and minerals from nature, thereby nullifying it's inherent toxicity. Just like Snake venom, when introduced inside a horse, produces anti-venom Serum; like wise, the poisonous metal, becomes an elixir of life when it goes through these purifying steps.

This is a lost science and is not recognized by modern Chemistry. It is highly spiritual in nature and requires special skill set and precautions to bring out the finished product. Mercury is a liquid metal and it moves as if it has a mind of it's own. To bind it requires high will and skill of mind.

When the one who handles Mercury, has his mind wavering just like it; he painstakingly begins the process of solidifying it, by a step-by-step process of removing all the impurities from it. As he does this external act, his internal mind too acquires the same quality of Mercury. When this time consuming process comes to an end, his mind too becomes solidified like Mercury and becomes still and stationery. This is the hidden spiritual purport of it.

No one will teach you this vidya; as firstly, many of it is lost in time. Even if they know it, it will be the most guarded secret, and they will safe guard it with their very life. The Mercury (lingas etc.) products which are available in the market are nothing but sham; for the purest ones, are available only in the deeper forest regions of South India and up North at Gharwal; which are given away for free to the deserving ones, or they come with a hefty price tag even for a single gram.

When I met the old couple who possessed this rare metal, which was handed down to them, from their ancestors, they said a wonderful thing. They said, "Rasamani Vidya is not for everyone to know. When the deserving candidate has purified his own mind, to a high degree, this forgotten vidya, will be revealed to him/her by the Siddhas themselves or He will get a Gutika to benefit and safe keep." I agree!

I leave it at that, else the Siddha Masters, might get upset for revealing too much of it.

~ Pure Rasamani Shiva Linga at the Yogi Siddhanath Ashram in Pune ~

Who is Shiva, but the static aspect of Shakti, 
Who is Shakti, but the moving aspect of Shiva, 
See that's why they call Mercury an amalgamation, 
Of both Shiva and Shakti.

Parad Shivling at Harihar Ashram in Kankhal near Haridwar. 
This holy Shivling is made from 151 kg of pure Mercury. 

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